Recently Updated Pages
Development Environment
Clone the "Shaper" main library from GitHub Create a new emp...
Remote Functions
Several "low level" functions are not available in Business Central because they need a physical ...
VAT Shareout "Ventilazione"
VAT Shareout ("Ventilazione" in Italy) is a specific VAT calculation tipycal of small business th...
For Developers
Experience contains a lot of functions and libraries to accelerate Business Central development. ...
Improved Accruals
"Improved Accruals" boost the standard deferral posting with new and useful functions. In sales ...
Document Status
"Document Status" is a simple table related in several document list to easy group and filter the...
Partner Area
To ease filtering of Customer and Vendors, a new field "Partner Area" is added to Master Tables. ...
Automatic creation of Planning Line from Sales Invoice
Sometimes you need to create and post a new Sales Invoice linked to a Job / Job Task. Usually t...
Order types
Order types allow to group orders by several categories and easily find them. "Order Type" can b...
Shaper is a multiplatform project. For production or staging environment, you need only the late...