For Developers
Experience contains a lot of functions and libraries to accelerate Business Central development.
If you want to explore these functions, clone the repository from GitHub and search the docfx documentation inside the source files.
Many functions are marked with a preprocessor symbol. The other ones are considered as general purpose and always available.
List of functions
Symbol | Description |
W1XX001A | Generic API Page for incoming requests with dynamic JSON body implemented by interfaces |
W1XX003A | Bulk importer to populate database with structured JSON objects |
W1XX004A | Skeleton for recurring document exchange (EDI) tasks implemented by interfaces |
Better posting description: "Document Type" and "Partner Name" in Sales and Purchases |
Skip error if negative / positive amount mismatch in Gen. Journal |
Average payment days (integer value) calculation |
Average finance charge terms grace period days (integer value) calculation |
Allow earlier posting for vendor entries |
Recalculate payment % from amount
Check external document no by year during posting